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Depression & the Diet

Many of my patients who are suffering from depression ask me a question. Can we somehow change our eating habits to get out of the depression?

As per few studies Dietary changes may improve 30 percent of the depression symptoms. (May not be more beneficial than psychotherapy and medication)

A specific diet named Mediterranean Diet was found very effective. Eg Whole grain, fruits, vegetable, nuts, seeds, legumes, herbs, fish, seafood, olive oil

To avoid the following food items

Red meat, added sugars, processed meat, refind oil, refind grains, highly processed food, Pasta , pizza, burger, bread pakora, samosa, namkeen. ( Or the packed food, cold drinks)

This Healthy Diet increases BDNF ( brain derived neurotropic factor) and Unhealthy foods leads to stress and increase inflammatory responses. And may worsen depression.

So in indian context we can just increase the items mentioned n Mediterranean diet and reduce the unhealthy items.

Following these habits and the lifestyle changes will not only reduce the chances of depression but also will improve the overall functioning of body and the life. It will keep a check on the weight it will help in getting sound sleep it will keep your stomach healthy and fine.

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